Seek Within is my new home for creative expression, musings from the portals of art & meditation, and ultimately a space I hope that brings reflection to your own heart.
A little about me:
I’m originally from New York, and have been living in Portland, Oregon for the past 7 years with the two loves of my life: my husband and our pup Tango.
I received my BFA in Photography from The School of Visual Arts in 2014. I’m dreaming of my Masters in Art Therapy, and I’m trusting in right timing (and chipping away on those student loans.)
I have been living with chronic aura migraines since I was 11 years old. Many years of debilitating pain, fainting, tunnel vision, MRIs, jumbled speech, foggy vision to inspire my artwork and meditation practice. Pain really is a pathway to beauty.
My abstract artwork is inspired by the auras I see when I have migraines. The imprints left in my mind created by the visceral pain of migraines are reflected in my artwork. Glimpses of colors & shapes dance together to create meditative landscapes, a reprieve from something so painful.I continue to be inspired by the questions:
How can I show something that’s invisible?
I was so inspired by this idea of what nothing can mean: darkness, emptiness & invisible space. Meditation & yoga nidra became a pathway for this inquiry too.
My passion is to guide people home to the wisdom within. In a world where we’re taught to constantly compare ourselves to others, I want to shift the perspective to the vast spaciousness and inspiration that’s just waiting to be revealed within ourselves.
I have been teaching yoga and meditation for 7 years, and Yoga Nidra for the past 3 years. These healing practices have been transformative for my own mental health, and have also continued to inspire my artwork: a land of color and space to let your mind find peace.
I created an 8 week self inquiry course, Seek Within, where we integrate creative expression, meditation, Yoga Nidra, writing, and art. It is pure magic. Next round starts Tuesday 6/7! If you’re interested, read more here:
Looking inward is a courageous act. Thank you for being here to do the work.
I’m right here next to you, doing the same, and rooting you on!
Check out my website:
With love & gratitude,